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Saturday, 20 February 2010

Who can give the right answer to that question?

As there will be dense discussion in the years to come over _________ our world will be maintained despite many obstacles, the scientists are rather busy.

A) the fact that
B) what
C) how
D) even so
E) however

Sessizliği Dinle; Gizli aşkıma

İçimin sert esen rüzgârı çığlıklar attığında,
Sen bence sessizliği dinle
Anlarsın sensizliğimde aslında yaşıyorum seninle
Yüreğimde kanayan gözyaşlarında sesin kazılı
Nefes alış verişlerimde kalp atışların yazılı
Kalabalıkların arasında bilinmeyen sesler yayıldığında,
Bence sen sessizliği dinle
Dinlersin o zaman kalbim atıyor nefesinle

Gecelerin sabaha vuslat vurduğu anlarda,
Sensizliğin sessiz çığlıklarının ortaya çıktığı zamanlarda
Bence sen yine de sessizliği dinle
Anlatır sana; gözlerim parlıyor hayalinle

Sensizlikteki sessizlik hayatın yegâne masalı
Bence bu gereksiz yüreği kurban niyetine asmalı


Sunday, 14 February 2010

Sonnet #5 : no more line, no being so fine; dedicated to my secret love :(:(

In the long run of this life vanished many traces of line,
The inner wall of my heart is hinged with roads of scars,
How on earth I am expected to find a way to become fine!
Since your disappearance, that being has been filled with tars
Since your previous existence, that pale structure had flowered
Actually, rhymes and melodies cannot dance with your sense
Furthermore, I have got to carry a mass of body so lowered
In that manner, imagination and supposition are kept in a fence
Where labyrinths have put me into the hysteria ever told
Inside my soul is ticking the number of the days till I die
There is a man afterwards henceforth getting old and old
While watching the curtains of clouds, I am about to fly

Something really curious is pulling me into a callous core
Haplessly, I have been grown out of the resolution-door

Tuesday, 9 February 2010

Patience, for the sake of my secret love :(:(

I am going to get down on writing the life story of Okan Emanet,
who is too shabby and miserable to deserve the throne of love-set
The lines will be all filled with the excellence of your paradise-eyes
As days will follow all the nights, this heart will pursue your very presence
The rank of being a self beside your dreams is too much for this sense
There will be sentences of longings for you; there will be the song of tears
There will be hidden the words of scream for you; there will be cries of fears
The hours clicking the scent of your existence, there will be your dynasty
The pages of lamenting will touch upon the day when I see your beauty