2010 - 2011yılı Sistem Dergisi Deneme 2 Soru 9
At their summit, the Hittites ________ all of what ________ now Turkey between the 15th and 13th centuries BC, centred on their capital city of Hattusha.
A) have owned / was
B) owned / is
C) had owned / would be
D) are owned / will be
E) will own / could be
Cevap: B
Lys5 2011 Soru: 6
The Sumerian civilization ________ the first alphabet, which ________ it easier for older generations to pass on their cultural heritage to younger generations.
A)will have developed / has made
B)would have developed / made
C)developed /makes
D)would develop / had made
E)were developing / will make
Cevap: C
2010 - 2011yılı Sistem Dergisi Deneme 8 Soru: 21
Most of the writers of grammars of English have been teachers, ____________.
A)unless social rules leave an important trace
B)once the structure of the society had a great change
C)since the exposure of the public to the brand-new events
D)therefore, the grammar rules are to be learnt from the experts
E)but some early grammar books were written by playwrights and scientists
Cevap: E
Lys5 2011 soru: 25
Malaria is spread by mosquitoes in tropical areas ____________.
A)if you take anti-mosquito precautions and medication to keep safe
B)as long as people can find a cure for it
C)but it cannot be transmitted directly from person to person
D)since it is the world's second biggest killer after tuberculosis
E)even though malaria is potentially a deadly disease
Cevap: C
2010 - 2011yılı Sistem Dergisi Deneme 3 Soru: 25
Although balloons, cards and chocolates are a few ways of expressing love, ____________.
A)such instruments are benefited from in many aspects by the lovers
B)the couples from different walks of life are after these devices
C)for the sense of love to be understood, those are needed by the beloved
D)baking a Valentine cake for your loved is a romantic gesture
E)there are wonderful samples displayed on a diversity of shops' windows
Cevap: D
Lys5 2011 soru: 24
Although people complain about paying a high fee for paid TV channels, ____________.
A)they are supposed to cancel their membership
B)the fee is considerably higher than in the previous year
C)most viewers still preferred to watch football
D)no one thinks of those who cannot afford it
E)they accept it as they have no other choice
Cevap: E
2010 - 2011yılı Sistem Dergisi Deneme 28 Soru: 57
I would have bought the more expensive camera if I had known the difference.
A) I don't know anything about the prices of camera; for that reason, I might buy the most expensive one.
B) I am going to buy a camera which has a moderate price, but I primarily take the quality into consideration.
C) I bought the most expensive camera because I wanted to be sure about its quality.
D) I bought the most expensive camera due to my lack of information about the price of camera.
E) I purchased the less expensive camera since I didn't have any knowledge about the distinction.
Cevap: E
Lys5 2011 soru: 51
If I'd known how much the mechanic was going to charge me at this auto repair shop, I'd have taken the car somewhere else.
A) The price of the car service was so high that I decided to look for a more reasonably priced auto repair shop.
B) I knew this was an expensive auto repair shop, yet I didn't look around for a cheaper one.
C) If only I'd checked the prices of several auto repair shops, I would have found a cheaper one.
D) I didn't realize just how expensive this auto repair shop was, but if I had, I would have gone somewhere else.
E) We'd better go to another car mechanic, as this auto repair shop is far too expensive.
Cevap: D
2010 - 2011yılı Sistem Dergisi Deneme 37 Soru: 56
It's only three months since Martin moved to a new job.
A) Martin got a new job only three months ago.
B) Martin will have moved to a new job in three months' time.
C) It took Martin only three months to move to a new job.
D) Martin could have moved to a new job only three months ago.
E) Although only three months have already passed, Martin hasn't changed his job, yet.
Cevap: A
Lys5 2011 soru: 50
It has been fifteen days since Jessica got her new job at the airline company.
A) It took Jessica fifteen days to get her new job at the airline company.
B) Jessica will have started her new job at the airline company in fifteen-day time.
C) Jessica got her new job at the airline company fifteen days ago.
D) Jessica could have started her new job at the airline company fifteen days ago.
E) Jessica hasn't been at her new job at the airline company for the last fifteen days.
Cevap: C
2010 - 2011yılı Sistem Dergisi Deneme 37 Soru: 69
You have been trying to call your brother for the last hour as you are expecting him to do homework, but the line is engaged all the time. You check him through the mobile phone and finding him at home, you get angry and sarcastically remark:
A) It is nice to see that you have finished your assignments and are surfing on the net.
B) Why don't you call me from this number?
C) Can you put the telephone down as I need to call somebody?
D) When do you think you will be able to answer the telephone which has been ringing for ages?
E) As the lines are busy, I cannot talk to him on the phone.
Cevap: A
Lys5 2011 soru: 54
You and a colleague have been asked to give a presentation at a conference. Unfortunately, she left you to do all the work. You feel really angry and just before the presentation you want to make a sarcastic comment about her not doing anything and so you say:
A) Well, thank you for all your hard work!
B) Why don't we work on another presentation?
C) I seem to have finished all the work.
D) We don't work that well together.
E) I'm tired after all that preparation.
Cevap: A
2010 - 2011yılı Sistem Dergisi Deneme 19 Soru: 64
Sweden remained neutral both in World War I and in World War II. ________. It permitted German troops to cross Swedish territory in order to reach Norway to occupy it. On the other hand, Sweden provided shelter for many refugees of German oppression.
A) Yet, World War II was marked by the use of the atom bomb on Japan
B) Still the country was deeply affected by the European economic crisis that followed
C) Despite being a peaceful country, Sweden keeps a well-equipped army
D) But in the post-war period, the Swedish economy quickly flourished
E) However, the country's attitude included some sort of contradiction in the latter
Cevap: E
Lys5 2011 soru: 60
Today, courts rarely admit brain scans as evidence at trials for both legal and scientific reasons. ________. The greatest influence of brain science on the law may eventually come from a deeper understanding of the neurobiological causes of anti-social behaviour. Future discoveries could lay the foundation for new types of criminal defences, for example.
A) The types of brain scans to be taken as evidence at law trials today have been limited to criminal cases involving multiple homicides.
B) The courts should proceed in their adoption of findings from neuroscience, despite their complete misgivings about it.
C) The rest of the society can rightly be sceptical of neuroscience, of which they have scant knowledge.
D) As neuroscience matures, however, judges may allow such scans relevant to arguments about a defendant's mental state.
E) It is highly unlikely that someday brain scans and other types of neurological evidence could transform judicial views of personal credibility and responsibility.
Cevap: D
2010 - 2011yılı Sistem Dergisi Deneme 6 Soru: 36
Bilim adamları insan beyninin uyku sırasında gündüz ki kadar çok çalıştığını kanıtladıkları sayısız deney yaptılar.
A) Innumerable experiments by scientists proved that human brain is also active while they sleep.
B) Scientists carried out innumerable experiments through which they proved that during sleep, human brain functions as hard as day time.
C) The fact that human brain functions as hard as it does during day time was proved by the scientists.
D) The experiments which scientists carried out for years proved that human brain is active during sleep as hard as during day time.
E) Scientists carried out innumerable experiments to prove that human brain functions during day time as hard as it does during sleep.
Cevap: B
Lys5 2011 soru: 64
Investigators use indirect methods to understand which brain regions help to restructure problems and generate thoughts.
A) Araştırmacılar, beynin hangi bölgelerinin, sorunları yeniden yapılandırdığını ve düşünce ürettiğini anlamak için dolaylı yöntemler kullanıyorlar.
B) Araştırmacılar, beyindeki hangi bölgelerin hangi sorunları yeniden yapılandırarak düşünce ürettiğini belirlemek için dolaylı yöntemler kullanıyorlar.
C) Araştırmacılar, dolaylı yöntemlerle beyindeki sorunları yeniden yapılandırarak düşünce üreten bölgeleri belirlemeye çalışıyorlar.
D) Araştırmacılar, beynin sorunları yeniden yapılandırıp düşünce üreten bölgelerini dolaylı yöntemlere başvurarak belirlemişlerdir.
E) Araştırmacılar, beynin bazı bölgelerinin sorunları yeniden yapılandırarak düşünce ürettiğini dolaylı yöntemlerle ortaya koydular.
Cevap: A
Written by Okan Emanet
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