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Monday, 6 December 2010
2010 aralık kpds sınavında sorulan paragraflardan biri okan emanet'in denemelerinin birindeki şaşırtıcı benzerlik...
Geçtiğimiz Pazar yapılan Kpds sınavının paragraf sorusu...
In antiquity, prior to the third century B.C., physics had been a branch of philosophy. It was made a separate, experimental science by Archimedes of Syracuse, who lived between 287 and 212 B.C.. He not only discovered the law of floating objects, or specific gravity, but also formulated with scientific exactness the principles of the lever, the pulley, and the screw. Among his memorable inventions were the compound pulley and the screw propeller for ships. Although he has been considered the greatest technical genius of antiquity, in fact he preferred to devote himself to pure scientific research. Tradition relates that he discovered "Archimedes' principle," that is, specific gravity, while pondering possible theories in his bath; when he reached his stunning insight, he dashed out naked into the street crying "Eureka!" ("I have found it!").
76. As one understands from the passage,
Archimedes was so thrilled by his unexpected discovery of specific gravity that —.
A) he immediately announced it to the public in an unusual fashion
B) he described every detail of it to the people with scientific exactness
C) the people in the street joined him in the celebration of his discovery
D) most of his contemporaries regarded it as a perfect example of pure scientific research
E) his theory of specific gravity was soon applied in shipbuilding
77. According to the passage, until Archimedes, —.
A) there had been some scientific research on the law of floating objects
B) physics had not been considered to be a science separate from philosophy
C) the use in ships of the screw propeller had already been known
D) various theories had been proposed about floating objects
E) the study of philosophy had been confined only to physics
78. As it is clear from the passage, Archimedes -—.
A) was so seriously concerned with technical issues that he often neglected his scientific research
B) can be described as a man who openly opposed the study of philosophy
C) was more interested in the theoretical aspect of science than in its practical uses
D) was particularly indifferent to questions of navigation and shipbuilding
E) taught the people of Syracuse how to use the compound pulley most efficiently
79. It is pointed out in the passage that Archimedes' inventions —.
A) were not related to the theories that he had
already formulated
B) have qualified him to be regarded as "the greatest genius of antiquity"
C) were put into use when, following several scientific tests, they proved to be very efficient
D) were all based on his theory of specific gravity, which he had been pondering for a long time
E) were described in detail in his writings
80. As clearly pointed out in the passage, like the principles of the pulley and the screw, the principle of the lever —.
A) has been traditionally attributed to Archimedes, but it had been known to other physicists in antiquity
B) can also be considered to be one of Archimedes' least scientific formulations
C) aroused so much interest in the public that he was rightly proud of his scientific discovery
D) was also defined by Archimedes in absolutely scientific terms
E) was formulated by Archimedes only after he carried out a series of complicated experiments
Okan Emanet'in 2010-2011 yılında hazırladığı 4. deneme sınavından...
Why do ships float on water when in fact they should sink? Why does paper float on water? Why does a paperweight sink? The answer to these questions was accidentally discovered 2200 years ago by the Greek inventor and mathematician, Archimedes. One day, while getting into his bath he noticed water spilling over the sides. In a flash, Archimedes realised the relation between the water that had fallen out and the weight of his body - in other words he discovered why some objects float and some sink! Archimedes was so excited with his discovery that he hopped out of the bath, and rushed naked into the street yelling triumphantly, 'Eureka!' 'Eureka!' (Greek word for 'I have found it!).
1) One can understand from the passage that the mystery related to floating of the paper in the water _____________________.
A) came into light more than two millennia before
B) is still occupying the scientists' mind in many aspects
C) could only be explained with some experiments
D) has thoroughly changed the approaches the explorers had to science
E) is the main reason why some inventors lost their lives by getting drowned
2) As seen from the example of Archimedes in the passage, _____________________.
A) all the inventors have found something by coincidence
B) the patents of some finds haven't found their owners, yet
C) the feeling of thrill might lead to uncontrollable actions
D) water's power to pick up does not bear any relation to other finds
E) many scientists were born to a very poor family
3) After reading the whole passage, one can come to the conclusion that _____________________.
A) in the past, people avoided having a bath in the bath-tub
B) Archimedes was a great mathematician but had problems with his mood
C) there were many inventors with basic health problems in Archimedes' time
D) the reason why some questions weren't solved was because of the lack of miracles
E) the various questions are all based on the same principle
Thursday, 18 November 2010
Chess Paragraph, dedicated to Poetiwife
Merely intent on one miraculous word has become a lone paragraph,
There is an individual yelling the meaning of tomorrows in a miserable photograph,
A self-recognition in the stardom has fallen into a serfdom of pain-graph,
I am reading the lines of an etymologist’s biography under a subtle autograph,
Though profoundly wounded, the heart goes on breathing a beautified graph,
Totally aware of what’s going around, the poor man faces the attempt to laugh
Life is the game of a chess
Although people avoid the temptation to confess
“I love you” seems a casual sentence people don’t express
With pawns that look inefficient at the very beginning of press
The oncoming moments will certainly utter the aching stress
What you haven’t told today won’t find any address
‘cause tomorrow queens are bound to steal your belongings
The queens on the chess set will merely stet
The truth will charge you with deep heartaches...
The appearance of stars gets beautified with your presence
The darkness of the night becomes ugly with your absence
The mind and soul of the etymologist dance with the above-stated phrases
There have rested no poetry lines that characterize the shadow’s faces
I cannot find any stigma to put the rooks knights and king on chess places
The bishops incessantly fight within my all
Nevertheless, my ears are still after your once-call
Help me, poetiwife, help me get out of that chess-fall...
Written by
the master of loneliness
Okan Emanet
Monday, 15 November 2010
Kaderin Özü
Monday, 8 November 2010
Identify Facts = IF, dedicated to POETIWIFE
Everybody needs a story in which realities dance into facts
They therefore struggle a brand-new stage on which love acts
Something from the past always drowns the words on their throats
Dreams are incredible vessels that cannot play the song of floats
As for me, I am but a metaphysical poet
That has only been bestowed to eternally regret
That has merely been dressed to achingly forget
What really matters in our world is to identify our facts
Tell me a story, my destiny, write up a new fate
Let it spark off with countless poor ifs...
The lines of any poem resemble your eyes,
The shining stars worship upon your paradise,
The meaning of life dances with your once glance,
Let this body and soul die for your stance...
If there weren't a volcano erupting on and on in my left part,
that soul in the river of hell wouldn't be leading a life by art...
If she hadn't risen into my world,
another fact could have smiled by Lord...
Written by Okan Emanet
the art of loneliness...
Monday, 27 September 2010
Gizemli şair
Anlat bana ey içimdeki gizemli şair
Yaz benim için; ayrılıklara dair
Kelimelerle oyna, çıkar ortaya bu yalan dünyayı
En acımasız ifadeleri seç, yok et bu rüyayı
Bir gölün hiç kıpırdamayan tavrı gibi
Etrafımdaki gölgeler...
Güneşin ateşiyle çaresiz bırakışı gibi
İçimdeki bölgeler...
Bulamıyorum seni o dipsiz kuyuda
Yalnızlığın üstadı
Çaldılar yalnızlığımı; hayat veren suyu da
Kaleminden ağlasın bu çaresiz edebiyat
Damlasın yüreğime sıcacık ab-ı hayat
Her tende hüküm süren tek saltanat;
Giydikleri tek maske; "çalış" denilen nakarat
Uyandır beni çaresizliğimden ey şair
Oku benim için; mutluluğa dair...
A new poem by Okan Emanet,
Wednesday, 8 September 2010
Cenazenin Sessizliği - 3
Haykırışlar acı haber alınınca başlar yürekte,
Bir cenazenin resmidir ulaşılmazlığı tasvir eden,
Elleri semaya açtığında ise yağacak olan sensizliğin kasırgası,
Omuzlarda taşınan sensizliğin havasızlığında kalan bir beden,
Susuzlukta çürümeye başlayan bir çiçekte,
Bir cenazenin sessiz çığlığı damlar yeryüzüne
Bir yangın yeridir cenaze töreni,
Çok olur hem gideni hem de geleni,
Herkes bilse de bu felaketin nedenini,
Dudaklar kitlenmiştir; haykıramazlar seni,
Yazamaz olur kalem, mürekkep tutmaz kâğıt,
Bir cenazenin sessizliği olur ancak bu ağıt,
Sesler gizlenir örtülen yüzlerin arkasına,
Yetmeyecektir bugün, kalacaktır elbet yarına;
Taşıyacakları kavram, bilinmeyen bir cümle: Ağla! Gölgelerin sabrına...
Şiir-Eşime ithaf edilmiştir..
Okan Emanet
Cenazenin Sessizliği -2
Mercan kayalarının acı ile dolu yaşam mücadelesidir kirletilmiş dünyaya karşı
Kalbinin yollarına ulaşamazlığım,
Can çekişen bedenin göğüs kafesindeki dansıdır sensizliğim,
Kalemimin ise raksıdır sadece gerçek hislerimin üzerinde
Mezardaki cesedin donmuş nefes alışıdır sensizliğim...
Bir cenazenin sağır eden sessizliğidir yine ellerini tutamayışım,
Gözlerinin denizinde kaybolmak isteyişimdir toprağın hasret kokan damlaları
Hayalimdi yanında yer almak, bir nehrin kıyıya ulaşmak isteyişi gibi,
Geriye kalan şimdi sensizliğin yarattığı cenazenin ıssız sessizliğidir...
Melekler kanatsız konar toprağın örttüğü bu ruha,
Yaşamak istediği bir rüya olsa da mabeddir bir cenazenin sessizliği,
Aşık bir insanın suçlanılmasıdır verilebilecek en büyük ceza,
Küçük bir kapta alevin çırpınışıdır,
Bir cenazede gözlerden akan yaşlar
Kumların arasında ağıt yakan taşlar
Ve sessizliğin haykırışları başlar.
Seven bir bedendir sevdiğinin arkasından sigara yakacak olan,
İçine çektiği zehirdir yalnızlık; dışarı verdiği kocaman bir yalan,
Çaresiz gölgelerin takip ettiği sadece simsiyah bir duman,
Acıyı gözlerde yaşarlar, ama ümit ettikleri ise sade bir zaman,
Üç nokta koyarlar öğrenemedikleri bu hüzün kokan hikâyeye...
Şiir-Eşime ithaf edilmiştir..
Okan Emanet
Sunday, 15 August 2010
Geçtiğimiz yıllarda hazırlamakta olduğum öğrencilerimin nereleri kazandığı videosunu ve listesini bu sene yapmayacağım. Bu durumdan çıkarılacak önemli dersler var. Düşünebilene tabi...
Teacher of English - Etymologist
Teacher of English - Etymologist
Sunday, 8 August 2010
Cenazenin Sessizliği 1, Şiir eşime ithaf edilmiştir...
Bir cenazenin çığlığıdır yaşamın ölüm hikâyesi,
Bir şelalenin yürekleri dağlayan melodisidir gölgelerin gözlerinden akan yaşlar,
Ölmek değildir önemli olan ya da yaşamak değildir,
Vicdanlarda sadece iki kelime vardır kanı artık akmayan ceset için:
İyi adamdı...
Her vücut bir gölge taşır,
Yarınlara bırakmak istediği bir mutluluk peşindedir,
Gerçekler mutlu olmanın efendisidir,
Ancak gölgeler hayallerinin arkasındadır,
Bir gizem vardır adım atışlarında ve sonu hayal kırıklığıdır hikâyelerinin esas teması.
Sessiz bir çığlıktır aslında cenazede sadece duyulan,
kulaklar sağırlaşmıştır artık timsah gözyaşı dökenlerin arkasında,
kapkara gözlüklerinin arkasında bir veda gizlidir,
ölenin arkasından kendilerince bir şeyler söylerler,
işte bu cenazenin asıl sessizliğidir.
cenazenin sağır eden sessizliğidir sensizliğim, simsiyah bulutlar gibi dağlanır yüreğim...
Ey merhemim parmaklarımın arasında kayan kalemim,
duygularımın perdesinde kaybolan sözlerim,
yazamazsın neler hissettiğimi,
senin hızın yetişmez kalbimin kelimelerine,
bir cenazenin sessizliğidir notalara dökebileceğin,
uzat mürekkebini toprağın yeni sakinine,
doldursun seni lale kokan kan damlalarıyla,
bir gizemdi beni yaşatan geriye kalan buz parçalarından oluşan nefesin çığlıklarıdır.
Yazan : Yalnızlığın Üstadı
Okan Emanet
Bu Türkçe şiirle de şiir yazma olayına veda ediyorum...
Saturday, 7 August 2010
The Silence of a funeral, Dedicated to POETIWIFE
A body filled with the stars of your appearance
Has fallen on the soil, bleeding at people's glance
Something is getting brown on his face; the crowds of ants
One day, this corpse is going to feed the lovely plants
The leaves of the flowers hold the tears of my funeral
Whereas the beloved gather around me during the burial
Nobody can touch me, even the hands of my Poetiwife
Nobody can see me, even the eyes of my life
Nobody can...
"I have had enough of you",
"My absence will be your penalty",
"Only because of you do I not exist beside you"
The above-mentioned statements will be on my gravestone
The story of a man who spent his life all alone
Will never again touch the buttons on the phone
Nobody will listen to me, the ever-weeping tone
Even the ears of my Chimera will not reach my sun,
Everybody will merely talk about me on their own run
Beget a son, Lo! The mothers
A son who will do much more than this poor
A son that will realize what is lying under this core
A son that manages to find out the right sentence
A son that will be away from my own sense
Beget a daughter Lo! The mothers
A daughter that carries the eyes of my unborn child
A daughter who dances with grace and becomes mild
A daughter that teaches how to stop being wild
A daughter that will resemble my Poetiwife
Written by the master of loneliness,
Okan Emanet
Bu şiir yazdığım son şiir olacak. Artık şiirle ilgilenmiyorum...
A new poem by Okan Emanet 445788
Tuesday, 3 August 2010
The Brutal Time, dedicated to POETIWIFE
For anyone to challenge love, it is necessary to be sad
You carry the ashes along your heart you have to add
Time becomes a callous instructor, leading to go mad
Who has come before will go by who is passing by their hat
Among the traces I have collected throughout the years
This poor being has harboured at yousport with the tears
While cleansing what has bled my soul, I hold the fears
Into the reflection on my heart, there is a melody
Opening any surrounding with the same key and beauty
The lack of your face here and there places the fury
A term rises in my spirit; namely, the "abetsence"
The chaos left behind can be illuminated with chance
That the game of destiny displays your brilliant glance
Thoughts are the meal I once ate on your eyes,
Which turns out to be the way I become consider-ate
Politeness is the natural effect of my love-paradise
Memorizing every phrase is the master of my mere fate
The boisterous rivers are full of your smiling way
I am in the world in which not to stay
Find my road that runs towards your kingdom
Your absence will only make me live in serfdom
Written by the master of loneliness,
Monday, 2 August 2010
Kneeling for your ways, dedicated to POETIWIFE
When told to hold a pen in order to write a poem,
The sacred feeling over the mountains asks who I am
In response, that being is water flowing with soul,
Carrying the pieces of rocks that will never stay cool
Initiate me with glance,
Fabricate me with one stance,
Litigate me to the divinity-sense,
Subjugate me along the ships of Pence
Whether a mountain or a bay in the horizon,
Love is a sword enabling one to have fights
No matter which day brings another season,
The world has already swum with your lights
Hold a pen, My Poetiwife
Have a seat by my life
Stick the bleeder-knife
The heart will only spell
And therefore will tell
"Life without is uniquely hell"
Written by the master of loneliness,
Sunday, 1 August 2010
My Chimera, dedicated to POETIWIFE
Sitting at the doorstep of the destiny,
The rhyming soul sheds the tears of blood
There is no sound coming from the tune of humanity
And shine the very existence of a lady on my plot
The hands, faces and feet are washed away with a language
The lines throughout my being are only home to an adage
"Create a fate including the nature of my POETIWIFE"
The inks of my pen are going to and fro in my life
Your one statement whispers the entrance to paradise
As I am littering the ashes of cigarette packed with eyes,
Among them sun-rise the layers of my dream-like star
Alongside the kerbs of my heart walks merely splendid scar,
Which doesn't give any pain but reveals how we are
Let all the drops of rain fall on my head,
I am in pursuit of you whether alive or dead
If there is a day under the name of tomorrow,
Let it smell of your breath on the very morrow;
Otherwise, I will get submersed in the pool of sorrow
I have a palace in my heart
The resident of which is my Chimera-lady
The walls of which are heaven-tint
You are my sole seven-heaven
I feed on so-all-ul
I Bet you will be Ok with my Pen forever!
Written by the master of loneliness,
Wednesday, 28 July 2010
Soul as a whole, dedicated to POETIWIFE
Owning a heart without any expectations is my literature,
When it comes to the sound of the lovely nature,
The veins on the leaves of soul draw your picture
On its reflection appears my unique teacher
Love resembles an empty paper you hang on the moon;
That's why your pen cries with inks and tears alone
Patience might make you a patient suffering from any tune
Think about a remedy that will emerge so soon
Love me as a whole,
Though there isn't even a reason;
Love me as a whole,
'cause love is putting piles of bricks on me
Written by the master of loneliness,
A new poem by Okan Emanet78544
Tuesday, 27 July 2010
Person's Effect: My Perfect, dedicated to POETIWIFE
Just as God controls all His sons in the rhyme of universe,
We are called "Per-son" in the realm of any verse
And the resulting effect is the divine mood and ease
The individuals get a sacred shelter in case of tease
The combination of person with the effect is our being perfect,
Which altogether explains why my soul feeds on your fact
If required to reach a healthy characterization on your eyes,
That spirit is obliged to be embodied into Shakespearean size;
Besides, that existence is bound to play the role of Poe's cries
Nothing can compare with the way you smile,
Nor is there any sonnet equipped with intonation-mile
In between the lines of all the stanzas emerges your stance,
Forcing that pen to note down the manner your perform a glance
Per-heart cannot stay apart 'cause your breath is my part
Not a morning can wear daylight unless a sentence smells your start
My mere magic in that world;
Soulize me, realize me, recognize me, have a paradise in me, Betulize me, re-size me, thouprize me as a whole
Let that heart be perfect in your very being...
Sunday, 25 July 2010
Betulip, dedicated to POETIWIFE
Over the valleys of my heart extends a new flower,
Throughout the empire of lonesome plants grows an unusual clover
The prophecy to be uttered is a sure star for any evil eye,
Whereby an excellent waterfall arouses a lie and tie
You are my beauty, the name of whom is Betulip
Let me sigh over, shining every morning so as to have a love-clip
Let me water my leaves that are about to wither and slip
Intensify the inner and outer part of the world, let it be tulip
There is a world lying here; let it die out through your lip
You've glanced at me before,
But I certainly need much more;
Otherwise, I am standing at your door
Written by the master of loneliness,
Saturday, 24 July 2010
The Failure of etymology, dedicated to POETIWIFE
There is no talented characterization for the grace on your eyes,
Nor is there equivalence in the kingdom of miraculous paradise
Every field of etymology becomes disabled in front of your glance;
What you have left as a trace over me is written in my own sense
The wind over my head is performing a hilarious and blissful dance
Nights are in pursuit of your shining star,
Whereas your absence is growing as a big scar
Heal my soul with your ever-sparkling presence;
Otherwise, my veins are drowned into the sea-lance
Even though the bard of all the poets struggle to create a phrase,
There only arise several anonymities and the thunderous maze
The origin of every word carries something from your very existence;
Besides, the lurking bodies' movement speaks of your nameless stance
Lo! The founder of the universe
Draw me a picture smelling of a wonderful verse
Your scent has turned into a palace of heaven screaming of hers
Written by the master of loneliness,
Tuesday, 20 July 2010
Bathing in tears..., dedicated to POETIWIFE
With the same song on and on for a long time,
With a heart utterly away from each life's rhyme,
With the loads of tears dropping in a bleeding way,
With the awesome knife in my hand drawing my say,
With the heartache never to be seen on any x-ray,
I am bathing in the pool of tear-drop of my own
Handkerchiefs have had my eyes' blood flown
There is a kind of charge over my soul
I have deleted the mindfulness as a whole
Written by the master of loneliness,
A new poem by Okan Emanet
Thursday, 15 July 2010
Beyond the clouds, dedicated to POETIWIFE
I am a man with countless wounds in the heartache kingdom
As a crying baby suffers from tortures in the camp of serfdom
All around by bleed and feed soul exists only one word "boredom"
Among the cold bushes of the crowds, I demand to be your freedom
Having released what is kept as a secret to your heart,
That man is huddling round the fire, yelling to be your other part
Uniting all the dispersed traces of love will be my main art,
Whereas the trains of my soul are equipped but told apart
Such an excellence has God drawn upon your face,
Behind the curtains of mystery and beyond the love-maze
Waiting for your presence with sheer patience and to surface
Ready to annihilate the borders circling around the bliss-lace
Before too late,
Let us go for this fate,
Against every rate,
Come under the tent of state,
Save me up to your smile and laughter
'cause I feel so cold and slender
'cause I am about to surrender
Written by the master of loneliness
Tuesday, 13 July 2010
Head Over Heels, dedicated to my POETIWIFE
While flowing down with the mysterious essence,
The rivers and streams release what can be called your sense
All around the steps of the valleys shines the sun of your beauty,
Pointing the inner and outer parts of what is missing in me
Here and there, there is only one word rising; my Poetiwife
I've added myself sufficiently with the real meaning of life
Your eyes are the palace of freedom in my soul,
Your face is the expression of future in my heart,
Your voice is the sense of bliss for my all
As you see, my rhymerstar
I am head over heels in love with you...
Even though one day my body will leave that earth,
The rocks and mountains will go on screaming my eternal oath
The drops splashing the seaside will start to weep on your ways
From time to time, in between the kerbs of your walking and also for days
You will realize that the rate of my love will bleed in every aspect
The heaven or hell is going to salute my comings with their respect
Your manner is the way I behave,
Your style is what I've got to crave,
Your view is my magic
As you see,
I'm head over heels in love with you...
Written by the master of loneliness
Friday, 9 July 2010
Calendar, dedicated to my POETIWIFE
Just like the location of the moon in the sky,
The papers of the calendar in my life get to fly
When the word “moon” loses its first two syllables,
“on” becomes into a body, coming before all day-babbles
As all the beings cling to each day, my life sticks to you
On Monday, On Yousday, On our Wednesday, or On Thursday
I am drawing a shadow beside mine, which has turned into clay
On the wall of tomorrow stands the picture of your pretty eyes
Such a glance have you left over my soul, a great gate to paradise
“Sleep” is now a kind of dance I’ve already forgotten
Something as ocean-blue as your very being has deleted the breath
The womanity in my calendar has gained the real meaning in fact
The humanity in my heart is rising and sunny days are falling to death
The love in my all has become a literature only to feature your act
I’ve created a heart so fragile and depleted all the motten
Now, put a new trace on the dates of the calendar
And utter something spelling you and me;
Otherwise, I will lose everything and surrender
Let the calendar be on our side
Come onto my ways and be my bride
With the brilliant dress, into my own sight
Just as your name refers to being all alone
Let this soul be lonely, solely with your lovely-tone
Written by the master of loneliness,
Saturday, 3 July 2010
Okan Hoca'nın 2010 LYS 5 teki benzeşen soruları
2010 LYS 5 - 21. soru
Because Thailand and Indonesia are geographically close to each other in East Asia, ----.
A) they can easily trade with each other
B) they are different from each other in many ways
C) their economies showed a fast growth in the 1990s
D) they are both developing a hard-working and well-educated workforce
E) the World Bank predicted that they would be included in the world’s top ten economies by 2015
Doğru Cevap: A
Deneme 7 / soru 30
Because risks are indispensable part of making a fortune, ___________.
A) people running private sectors try to be away from taking chance
B) global trade businesses cannot avoid taking them
C) many businessmen are under great pressure of bankruptcy
D) leading a small stall demands a great job
E) people had been involved in taking chance in the past
Doğru Cevap: B
2010 LYS5 - 4. soru
Humans developed the way they did because they had to run long distances in order to ----.
A) return
B) admit
C) survive
D) compete
E) remain
Doğru Cevap: C
Deneme 26 / soru 2
To ______ and reproduce, all living organisms must adjust to conditions imposed on them by their environments.
A) embody
B) submerge
C) base
D) survive
E) initiate
Doğru Cevap: D
2010 LYS5 - 26. soru
Music in Paris nightclubs tends to follow the trends set in the US and Britain, ----.
A) if they also host African, Brazilian and other groups
B) since big jazz festivals are held right through the year
C) whether opera and classical music are also performed
D) just as there are numerous first-class clubs in the city
E) but home-grown groups playing French pop are also popular
Doğru Cevap: E
Deneme 8 / soru 27
A mountain is generally steeper than a hill, _____________.
A) or else the definition of such an event couldn’t have been made in one way or another
B) but there is no universally accepted standard definition for the height of a mountain or a hill
C) for that reason these two words are identical to each other
D) therefore, people cannot make a distinction between them
E) if there were a need to identify the meaning of these two words
Doğru Cevap: B
2010 LYS5 - 22. soru
As she looked down into the garden from the balcony, ----.
A) birds rarely sing at night
B) the sound of passing traffic would have disturbed her
C) a dog suddenly ran out from among the bushes
D) the grass should have been cut a week ago
E) it rained heavily all that night
Doğru Cevap: C
Deneme 6 / soru 24
As Earth rotates around its axis every 24 hours, _________________.
A) climate change has posed a great threat for the humanity
B) there had been many global risks for 50 years
C) our universe would have turned into a blackened area
D) the atmosphere moves along with the earth
E) a wide variety of stars have recently appeared in the sky
Doğru Cevap: D
2010 LYS5 - 7. soru
People in England ---- books about Turkey since the 15th century, but unfortunately an increase in quantity ---- by an increase in quality.
A) had been writing / does not match
B) are writing / will not be matched
C) had written / are not matching
D) have been writing / has not been matched
E) wrote / had not been matched
Doğru Cevap: D
Deneme 4 / soru 6
It is known that some countries _________ power since the salvation war while others _________ authority all over the world.
A) are losing / are gaining
B) will be losing / were gaining
C) have lost / have gained
D) had lost / had gained
E) lose / gain
Doğru Cevap: C
2010 LYS5 - 39. soru
Dua edilen bir yer olmasının yanı sıra, Partenon Tapınağı, Atina’nın zenginliğini, gücünü ve sanatsever yaşam tarzını da simgeliyordu.
A) Though a place for prayers, the Parthenon temple perfectly represented the Athenians’s prosperity, wealth and art-loving way of life.
B) Not only was the Parthenon temple a place of worship, but it also put on display the wealth, power and art-loving life-style of Athens.
C) As well as being a place to say prayers, the Parthenon temple also symbolized the wealth, power and art-loving life-style of Athens.
D) People used to pray in the Parthenon temple, but more than that it gave one a sense of the riches and the power of art-loving Athens.
E) The Parthenon temple, besides being a place of worship, also represented Athens together with its wealth and power and its art-loving life-style.
Doğru Cevap: C
Deneme 27 / soru 41
Etrafındaki kişilerle iyi geçin memesin in yanı sıra sevmediği veya kıskandığı kişilerin de başarılı olmasını istemiyordu.
A) He doesn't want the persons around him to get on well with himself; also, he's jealous of them.
B) Not getting along well with his friends, he was getting more and more jealous of them.
C) In addition to his not getting along well with the people around himself, he didn't want the persons he disliked or was jealous of to be successful.
D) He was both jealous of the persons around himself and didn't want them to be successful, and he didn't get on well with them.
E) In spite of his having a lot common with people, he was jealous of them, and didn't want them to be successful.
Doğru Cevap: C
2010 LYS5 - 28. soru
The availability of a wide variety of tasty food could produce widespread obesity, ----.
A) although eating disorders of many different kinds are on the increase
B) as long as a stable weight is maintained
C) which is exactly the situation that exists in many industrialized countries today
D) since starvation exists in many parts of the world
E) unless families had agreed to eat at home
Doğru Cevap: C
Deneme 17 / soru 33
Nike workers in Vietnam earn only about 35 cents per hour, _____________.
A) which are popular especially with sports people
B) because this is hardly enough for them to make a living
C) while those workers earning considerably more
D) it wouldn't be wise to buy shoes made in Vietnam
E) which means very little of what you pay for the shoes goes to the workers
Doğru Cevap: E
2010 LYS5 - 60. soru
If the meeting has to be on Monday, I can probably manage to come; but I’d much prefer Tuesday.
A) Tuesday would suit me much better than Monday, but if the meeting’s got to be on Monday I’ll do my best to come.
B) I won’t be able to come to the Monday meeting, but I’ll come to the Tuesday meeting.
C) It would suit me better if the meeting was held on Tuesday as usual, but I suppose I could manage Monday.
D) If the Tuesday meeting is put back to Monday, I don’t think I will be able to come.
E) I can’t come to a meeting on Monday, but I can on Tuesday; would that be suitable?
Doğru Cevap: A
Deneme 15 / soru 63
If she had sensed what they were talking about, she would have left the meeting.
A) Be sure she will leave the meeting if she is going to understand what they are talking about.
B) She still hasn’t realized what they are talking about, but if she does, she will disappear.
C) She was not aware of the subject they were talking about, for which reason she continued her presence at the meeting.
D) They have long talking about a subject, but she seems not to have taken the gist of their speech.
E) What they are talking about will certainly disturb her and you can be sure about it.
Doğru Cevap: C
2010 LYS5 - 67. soru
You are interviewing applicants for a post in the furniture department of a large store. You want to make the applicant talk about himself, so you say:
A) Is this the first time you are applying for a job?
B) You do realize, don’t you, that you’ll be expected to work hard?
C) Tell me why you think you could make a success of this job.
D) Criticize the furniture in this office.
E) Do you like modern styles in furniture or classical styles?
Doğru Cevap: C
Deneme 30 / soru 72
You have applied to work at the bank. At the interview, you are asked what expectations you have from the job and you reply in a wishing way:
A) Well, both of my parents were bankers.
B) I’m hoping this job will allow me to retire by the time I am 35 or 40.
C) No special reason; I just thought it looked like an interesting job.
D) I’ve always been fascinated by banking, and I have a degree in economics.
E) I wonder if I am suitable for the job.
Doğru Cevap: B
2010 LYS5 - 77. soru
(I) Alison never had any stories to tell about the restaurant where she worked as a cashier. (II) “It’s just a job”, she would say. (III) “I sit there and take their credit cards or their cash. (IV) How many jobs are so full of variety? (V) At the end of the day I come home; at the end of the week I get my wages.”
A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V
Doğru Cevap: D
Deneme 27 / soru 80
(I) The sun rose again as usual. (II) This new day meant looking for job for Julia. (Ill) She had been sacked three times before. (IV) She looked through the pages of the newspaper. (IV) There was no job suitable for her again.
A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V
Doğru Cevap: C
Because Thailand and Indonesia are geographically close to each other in East Asia, ----.
A) they can easily trade with each other
B) they are different from each other in many ways
C) their economies showed a fast growth in the 1990s
D) they are both developing a hard-working and well-educated workforce
E) the World Bank predicted that they would be included in the world’s top ten economies by 2015
Doğru Cevap: A
Deneme 7 / soru 30
Because risks are indispensable part of making a fortune, ___________.
A) people running private sectors try to be away from taking chance
B) global trade businesses cannot avoid taking them
C) many businessmen are under great pressure of bankruptcy
D) leading a small stall demands a great job
E) people had been involved in taking chance in the past
Doğru Cevap: B
2010 LYS5 - 4. soru
Humans developed the way they did because they had to run long distances in order to ----.
A) return
B) admit
C) survive
D) compete
E) remain
Doğru Cevap: C
Deneme 26 / soru 2
To ______ and reproduce, all living organisms must adjust to conditions imposed on them by their environments.
A) embody
B) submerge
C) base
D) survive
E) initiate
Doğru Cevap: D
2010 LYS5 - 26. soru
Music in Paris nightclubs tends to follow the trends set in the US and Britain, ----.
A) if they also host African, Brazilian and other groups
B) since big jazz festivals are held right through the year
C) whether opera and classical music are also performed
D) just as there are numerous first-class clubs in the city
E) but home-grown groups playing French pop are also popular
Doğru Cevap: E
Deneme 8 / soru 27
A mountain is generally steeper than a hill, _____________.
A) or else the definition of such an event couldn’t have been made in one way or another
B) but there is no universally accepted standard definition for the height of a mountain or a hill
C) for that reason these two words are identical to each other
D) therefore, people cannot make a distinction between them
E) if there were a need to identify the meaning of these two words
Doğru Cevap: B
2010 LYS5 - 22. soru
As she looked down into the garden from the balcony, ----.
A) birds rarely sing at night
B) the sound of passing traffic would have disturbed her
C) a dog suddenly ran out from among the bushes
D) the grass should have been cut a week ago
E) it rained heavily all that night
Doğru Cevap: C
Deneme 6 / soru 24
As Earth rotates around its axis every 24 hours, _________________.
A) climate change has posed a great threat for the humanity
B) there had been many global risks for 50 years
C) our universe would have turned into a blackened area
D) the atmosphere moves along with the earth
E) a wide variety of stars have recently appeared in the sky
Doğru Cevap: D
2010 LYS5 - 7. soru
People in England ---- books about Turkey since the 15th century, but unfortunately an increase in quantity ---- by an increase in quality.
A) had been writing / does not match
B) are writing / will not be matched
C) had written / are not matching
D) have been writing / has not been matched
E) wrote / had not been matched
Doğru Cevap: D
Deneme 4 / soru 6
It is known that some countries _________ power since the salvation war while others _________ authority all over the world.
A) are losing / are gaining
B) will be losing / were gaining
C) have lost / have gained
D) had lost / had gained
E) lose / gain
Doğru Cevap: C
2010 LYS5 - 39. soru
Dua edilen bir yer olmasının yanı sıra, Partenon Tapınağı, Atina’nın zenginliğini, gücünü ve sanatsever yaşam tarzını da simgeliyordu.
A) Though a place for prayers, the Parthenon temple perfectly represented the Athenians’s prosperity, wealth and art-loving way of life.
B) Not only was the Parthenon temple a place of worship, but it also put on display the wealth, power and art-loving life-style of Athens.
C) As well as being a place to say prayers, the Parthenon temple also symbolized the wealth, power and art-loving life-style of Athens.
D) People used to pray in the Parthenon temple, but more than that it gave one a sense of the riches and the power of art-loving Athens.
E) The Parthenon temple, besides being a place of worship, also represented Athens together with its wealth and power and its art-loving life-style.
Doğru Cevap: C
Deneme 27 / soru 41
Etrafındaki kişilerle iyi geçin memesin in yanı sıra sevmediği veya kıskandığı kişilerin de başarılı olmasını istemiyordu.
A) He doesn't want the persons around him to get on well with himself; also, he's jealous of them.
B) Not getting along well with his friends, he was getting more and more jealous of them.
C) In addition to his not getting along well with the people around himself, he didn't want the persons he disliked or was jealous of to be successful.
D) He was both jealous of the persons around himself and didn't want them to be successful, and he didn't get on well with them.
E) In spite of his having a lot common with people, he was jealous of them, and didn't want them to be successful.
Doğru Cevap: C
2010 LYS5 - 28. soru
The availability of a wide variety of tasty food could produce widespread obesity, ----.
A) although eating disorders of many different kinds are on the increase
B) as long as a stable weight is maintained
C) which is exactly the situation that exists in many industrialized countries today
D) since starvation exists in many parts of the world
E) unless families had agreed to eat at home
Doğru Cevap: C
Deneme 17 / soru 33
Nike workers in Vietnam earn only about 35 cents per hour, _____________.
A) which are popular especially with sports people
B) because this is hardly enough for them to make a living
C) while those workers earning considerably more
D) it wouldn't be wise to buy shoes made in Vietnam
E) which means very little of what you pay for the shoes goes to the workers
Doğru Cevap: E
2010 LYS5 - 60. soru
If the meeting has to be on Monday, I can probably manage to come; but I’d much prefer Tuesday.
A) Tuesday would suit me much better than Monday, but if the meeting’s got to be on Monday I’ll do my best to come.
B) I won’t be able to come to the Monday meeting, but I’ll come to the Tuesday meeting.
C) It would suit me better if the meeting was held on Tuesday as usual, but I suppose I could manage Monday.
D) If the Tuesday meeting is put back to Monday, I don’t think I will be able to come.
E) I can’t come to a meeting on Monday, but I can on Tuesday; would that be suitable?
Doğru Cevap: A
Deneme 15 / soru 63
If she had sensed what they were talking about, she would have left the meeting.
A) Be sure she will leave the meeting if she is going to understand what they are talking about.
B) She still hasn’t realized what they are talking about, but if she does, she will disappear.
C) She was not aware of the subject they were talking about, for which reason she continued her presence at the meeting.
D) They have long talking about a subject, but she seems not to have taken the gist of their speech.
E) What they are talking about will certainly disturb her and you can be sure about it.
Doğru Cevap: C
2010 LYS5 - 67. soru
You are interviewing applicants for a post in the furniture department of a large store. You want to make the applicant talk about himself, so you say:
A) Is this the first time you are applying for a job?
B) You do realize, don’t you, that you’ll be expected to work hard?
C) Tell me why you think you could make a success of this job.
D) Criticize the furniture in this office.
E) Do you like modern styles in furniture or classical styles?
Doğru Cevap: C
Deneme 30 / soru 72
You have applied to work at the bank. At the interview, you are asked what expectations you have from the job and you reply in a wishing way:
A) Well, both of my parents were bankers.
B) I’m hoping this job will allow me to retire by the time I am 35 or 40.
C) No special reason; I just thought it looked like an interesting job.
D) I’ve always been fascinated by banking, and I have a degree in economics.
E) I wonder if I am suitable for the job.
Doğru Cevap: B
2010 LYS5 - 77. soru
(I) Alison never had any stories to tell about the restaurant where she worked as a cashier. (II) “It’s just a job”, she would say. (III) “I sit there and take their credit cards or their cash. (IV) How many jobs are so full of variety? (V) At the end of the day I come home; at the end of the week I get my wages.”
A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V
Doğru Cevap: D
Deneme 27 / soru 80
(I) The sun rose again as usual. (II) This new day meant looking for job for Julia. (Ill) She had been sacked three times before. (IV) She looked through the pages of the newspaper. (IV) There was no job suitable for her again.
A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V
Doğru Cevap: C
Tuesday, 15 June 2010
Emotional Perfect Tense; modes of 8 and 3
In the course of watching the movie over my face, something becomes really plain,
There is a kind of fall-in-love sensation growing either inside or outside on a plane
When the drop falls upon my head soon after the burning sunny weather in the rain,
Thoughts turn into a sort of chaos, whereby hearts are suffering due to the blocked drain
There is neither a phrase nor a word left behind for anybody to be able to amply explain
In your pointless absence, minds and souls are charged with nonsense, going too insane
Whenever your miraculous appearance shines, I hold my breath within a heart-lain;
Trying to catch your glance in a way, this poor being is loitering on the winding lane,
Under which the veins throughout my body are smashed, hardly struggling to maintain
Gain any type of gaze, my LOYOUVE; bring my very being into existence along with the brain,
Since I have fallen into a deep hole of mindlessness and I have felled the device of sense-crane
Invent a literature featuring all types of fiction and create a utopia that will forever remain
I am in profound lack of your stars which might drop over my all, omitting the touches to sustain
Left with a stone gathering no mass without you, this man is longing for you from any train
8-3= 5; my love is five over five, my LOYOUVE...
Within the unconscious world you don't inhabit lives a man having coins of feelings to spend,
The ground where you don't walk around is the stage on which this man has grieves to expend,
Having filled the life with so many unknown words, the man has had the respiration to suspend,
However, you are ocean apart from realizing the truth that the man has a togetherness to intend;
There is a calendar drawn here and there, the dates of which never witness the moment you attend,
My mind has built a fortress all around himself, thus being alert all the time in order to defend,
"I am the heaven where you; my LOYOUVE, live at ease", which is the statement that I contend,
The sand pieces of my soul have knelt upon your arrival, whereby they dramatically extend
8+3= 11; The first '1' is my LOYOUVE, while the second '1' is me, which refers to our marriage...
Too abrupt as it may seem, the volcanoes will erupt as I scream and ashes will dance in the breeze;
You get to monitor the living beings run up and down and hear the deafening sound they release,
In the aftermath of the action in turmoil, they will come to wonder who possesses that tease
And a heavenly voice emerges from the hole of the earth, expounding the love-spell at ease
In the wake of what has happened, your body will sense how terribly the weather will freeze
My love is like the earthquake of the moon and My love is an eternal melody, being at disease
8 * 3 = 24; I am attached to you; my LOYOUVE, even 7 over 24...
There has always existed a question in my mind since time tempted to seduce;
"At which love-stop will that heart have a rest?" a real conflict to reproduce,
My eyes are ardently after every clicking hour that your beauty has got to use
And create a lesson whose deadline is in paradise and which will always introduce
There is a man nearby and he is crawling arduously; shed a light on me and I can induce
8 / 3 = 2,666667 : Without you, I am deficient, I am insufficient and I am helpless
Just complete my sanity; my LOYOUVE so that I loyou've flown with happiness...
Written by
the master of loneliness
Dedicated to nobody
Wednesday, 2 June 2010
Betrayal, dedicated to those who know Okan Emanet
Betrayal is the last trace of survival,
though you; the heartless, think to the contrary
cheat on me on and on, as you flame the old ashes with sudden arrival
charge this sanity with your presence and attempt to bury
Split the poison on your mouth, for which reason the scars get exposed to revival
Bring in your sovereignty over what I haven't attained at all
embody into an existence that has never lived as a whole in one soul
Throughout the nano-story of love conflicts have spread the callous tears of being left,
you tempt to write a poem including tension and feel-felt
and the journey will get a start into the deep forest of your mind
though the promises given there are supposed to be kept,
you will again drift apart and won't find
The soldiers of my heart equipped with honour and love are wounded one by one,
when in face of such a tormenting scene
and again they are applied any torture once seen
They once more flock to the deserted area inhabited by no-one
trying to forget what has been done,
the troops of loyalty are sentenced to the prison of relationship-fun
As anyone can see, this spirit has smelled this life in sense of conjunction,
whereas trials and cries have lost their function
I have spent this life again searching for a way to take the place in the main sentence,
just as a contestant in a race struggles to occupy a rank in the fence;
as usual I am channelled into believing that I am obliged to stay in defence
take the weapon of betrayal, lo! Those in the know of mine
and as before go on to be fine...
just grab a knife behind me
in that way, live in sheer harmony
disperse the light of heaven
and kill the goodness in every haven...
Monday, 10 May 2010
GIVE ME YOUR HAND, MY LADY, dedicated to my secret love
I have forgotten the meaning under any sense that was once rhythmic
Nothing touches my soul in the vein of life and nothing is any longer hectic
Over a thin line of survival lies no gain,
Which brings neither breath nor pain
I have really lost the memory of a man living in humanity so soul-metric
There is a melody keeping its place in between my lips
Just on the way to express your name, everything slips
I am sometimes asked of my writings in the book of my life
Where the sentences, the words and the lines smell of my wife
Tomorrow is nothing but a dream to come together under a star
Which will teach how to endure the brutal distances being so far
Turning to the beginning of a story including who and how we are
The winds of love, the breeze of heart-shake, the scent of moon
Something gets stuck in my throat in your absence, praying every noon
The growth of tension, the vibration of aches will appear that soon
From now on will be written such a lonesome story
Find me among the bushes of deserted bird corpses
Try and figure out a leaf kept away from even a drop of water
Make an attempt to reveal a handkerchief crying endlessly
Search for the ash of a paper screaming your name
Comparisons and contrasts cannot fulfil a wedding together
My arms, my hands, my soul and heart have come to surrender
Written by the master of loneliness,
Sunday, 18 April 2010
The flash of remedy, dedicated to my secret love
Among the aches
Upon what makes
My heart grow so tender,
All such rain drops surrender, when there rise your eyes-flash
In between what is raining heavily, my mind is getting a squash
I attempt to touch the picture arising out of the heavy fog
Suddenly, the unpalatable truth throws its pain-giving blog
Your absence stinks into my soul once the rain gets a stop
So calling for help from above, all the feelings just fly atop
The flag is swinging here and there, with the slight appearance of my lady
The rainbow is painted within your brilliant eyes, resembling the paradise
Your eyes, in face of my helpless being, turn into a flash of remedy
Counting the clicking hours, this weeping wreckage longs for making a size
So start to sing the wonderful song of the rain again through those lips
Witness how all these years have passed, how achingly love slips
Radiate the flash of remedy overall my breath
Call for that lamenting man only just before his death
Written by
the master of loneliness,
Monday, 12 April 2010
Blast, for my secret love
Özel Ders Verilir...
İngilizcenin her alanı ile ilgili özel ders verilir. LYS5 (YDS), KPDS, ÜDS, TOEFL, IELTS, FCE, ingilizce bölümlerinde okututlan tüm dersler ile ilgili özel ders verilir. Kontenjan sınırlıdır...
Monday, 15 March 2010
Turn my page, for my secret love
The feel-blissful sensation has become a thing of the past,
whereby charges over my soul are going on; this brain gets to blast
The seasonal changes have lost their sense in my life so terribly fast,
wherethrough the veins of love come to be contaminated onto this chest
Lies; only lies all around me, unfortunately
There seems no way to realize how possibly the man living inside my all will last...
So, the secrecy of love, just read these lines
And go on installing all types of aching fines...
Turn my page
And see how I have become too age
Turn my page
And read my mere adage
"The tears throughout my face never cease to exist"
Towards the encounter of day-passage, my mind only reads my insult,
wherein there have appeared heartaches and longing as my sole cult
I find it really difficult to hold this head for the shining morning
wherewith a heavy load of anguish falls upon me, leads to surrendering
Turn my page, my secret love, just turn my page
and witness how achingly there goes my life passage
and read into the lines of how this man failed to be sage
and finally burn your head with my mere adage
"if there is off the chance that love really lives,
this emotion of mine will carry it to you in beehives"
Saturday, 20 February 2010
Who can give the right answer to that question?
As there will be dense discussion in the years to come over _________ our world will be maintained despite many obstacles, the scientists are rather busy.
A) the fact that
B) what
C) how
D) even so
E) however
A) the fact that
B) what
C) how
D) even so
E) however
Örnek ly5,
üds sorusu
Sessizliği Dinle; Gizli aşkıma
İçimin sert esen rüzgârı çığlıklar attığında,
Sen bence sessizliği dinle
Anlarsın sensizliğimde aslında yaşıyorum seninle
Yüreğimde kanayan gözyaşlarında sesin kazılı
Nefes alış verişlerimde kalp atışların yazılı
Kalabalıkların arasında bilinmeyen sesler yayıldığında,
Bence sen sessizliği dinle
Dinlersin o zaman kalbim atıyor nefesinle
Gecelerin sabaha vuslat vurduğu anlarda,
Sensizliğin sessiz çığlıklarının ortaya çıktığı zamanlarda
Bence sen yine de sessizliği dinle
Anlatır sana; gözlerim parlıyor hayalinle
Sensizlikteki sessizlik hayatın yegâne masalı
Bence bu gereksiz yüreği kurban niyetine asmalı
Sunday, 14 February 2010
Sonnet #5 : no more line, no being so fine; dedicated to my secret love :(:(
In the long run of this life vanished many traces of line,
The inner wall of my heart is hinged with roads of scars,
How on earth I am expected to find a way to become fine!
Since your disappearance, that being has been filled with tars
Since your previous existence, that pale structure had flowered
Actually, rhymes and melodies cannot dance with your sense
Furthermore, I have got to carry a mass of body so lowered
In that manner, imagination and supposition are kept in a fence
Where labyrinths have put me into the hysteria ever told
Inside my soul is ticking the number of the days till I die
There is a man afterwards henceforth getting old and old
While watching the curtains of clouds, I am about to fly
Something really curious is pulling me into a callous core
Haplessly, I have been grown out of the resolution-door
Tuesday, 9 February 2010
Patience, for the sake of my secret love :(:(
I am going to get down on writing the life story of Okan Emanet,
who is too shabby and miserable to deserve the throne of love-set
The lines will be all filled with the excellence of your paradise-eyes
As days will follow all the nights, this heart will pursue your very presence
The rank of being a self beside your dreams is too much for this sense
There will be sentences of longings for you; there will be the song of tears
There will be hidden the words of scream for you; there will be cries of fears
The hours clicking the scent of your existence, there will be your dynasty
The pages of lamenting will touch upon the day when I see your beauty
Sunday, 31 January 2010
Wall, dedicated to my secret love :(:(
I feel that the wall of my vein is thinning as minutes call for a farewell,
which brings with, after my death, a gate to heaven or hell
there will be no call on my gravestone, there will be only a cold wall
Whoa! the lady with endless gazes of stars and melting ice
Before the toll of death rings for that aching man,
will you hear of the sound screaming on your very eyes
will you touch the feel-nothing-sensational tan
will you henceforth lament for my going so far away
or will you stay behind a wall watching my corpse just like clay?
Written by
the master of loneliness,
Wednesday, 20 January 2010
Through the noon and the nights get started the kingdom of fights,
where aches off the wall and grievances in my soul taste all the sights
From the port at which I deserted who I really am, my sanity is covered with a hide,
Next to my humanity exists what is a melody in disguise; there is a road I can ride,
but with any attempt, the crying face of the sun falls down on me, making me mild,
No guides are present here and there around us, absent is the real sense of side
I am here crawling beside, waiting for my secret love begged to be my would-be bride
And the row and sow has shifted me into such a man in pursuit of what Ok-Em means,
my sparkling secrecy of love chases me to the marvelous hide of heaven and teens
As a man without the knowledge of what is meant by "first..."; I have got to know,
Swimming into the road of your eyes, this heart is day by day enhancing to grow
All the tints of masterpieces could only be invaluable over your skin and brow
Let my final destiny lie on your way, on your lip, on your lap and in your mornings
Let all the stars become really bright with the essence of your hand and longings
where aches off the wall and grievances in my soul taste all the sights
From the port at which I deserted who I really am, my sanity is covered with a hide,
Next to my humanity exists what is a melody in disguise; there is a road I can ride,
but with any attempt, the crying face of the sun falls down on me, making me mild,
No guides are present here and there around us, absent is the real sense of side
I am here crawling beside, waiting for my secret love begged to be my would-be bride
And the row and sow has shifted me into such a man in pursuit of what Ok-Em means,
my sparkling secrecy of love chases me to the marvelous hide of heaven and teens
As a man without the knowledge of what is meant by "first..."; I have got to know,
Swimming into the road of your eyes, this heart is day by day enhancing to grow
All the tints of masterpieces could only be invaluable over your skin and brow
Let my final destiny lie on your way, on your lip, on your lap and in your mornings
Let all the stars become really bright with the essence of your hand and longings
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